Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My own damn fault

I have this bad habit of when someone comes in and buys something I hand them their change and say thank you. But after today I'm going to count every bill into their hand. Today this 6 foot tall man with a tattoo on his neck claimed I didn't give him the right change when I know what was in my drawer and what I gave him. It's my own fault for not counting the change into his hand as I gave it to him. Live and learn but karma will come back to him. Its just another reason to get my video camera's set up.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Where's the podcast?....

Well, sorry listeners. I haven't recorded a podcast in over a week but I do have a good excuse. My friend is pregnant with her second child. Well I was working when she had her first child so I never made her anything. Soooo, I've been feverishly making the toddler a poncho, matching hat and a blanket, plus I'm making a baby blanket for her her new addition.

I haven't forgot all of you and plan to be recording again this week. If you're on twitter you can always follow along with my day or you can see pictures of projects I've done or doing on either ravelry or flickr. User name is cookscrafts on all of them.

Thanks for all your supportive and concerned emails. Your feed back is what keeps the podcast going. If you have an idea or request for me to cover on the show email me.