Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Renovations

Don't worry, we are not closing! We are making some cosmetic changes to the shoppe. We have basically looked the same for the last 30+ years. We now have some new racks so we will be moving things around a bit. We hope when we're finished it will be easier for people to find things and a bit easier to move around.
Starting this week until July 10th we will be renovating, but I stress, we will remain OPEN during this time. Items may be in boxes as we move them around so we ask for your patience when you come in while we find the item you need. We will continue to order stock and can still custom order anything you like. The only thing that we will not be holding during this time, is our classes. Classes will resume July 11th so please make your reservations now.
Thank you again for your patronage over the years, and please stop by and see how the place looks when we're done.